Does someone often ask how to make money? Though now there are many ways to make money from the internet. So far, people have always thought about how to make money just from working in an office. This thinking is no longer valid in the internet era. By utilizing the internet, making money can be in any way and anywhere. The reason is, that currently several jobs can be done online. This is also supported by the increasing number of internet users in Indonesia. Quoted from the page, internet users in Indonesia in 2021 increased 11 percent from the previous year to 202.6 million users. Also read: How to Sell Online on Facebook Marketplace So, how to make money from the internet? How to make money from the internet Many people do a search on the Google search engine related to how to make money from the internet and how to make money from the internet. This means that people have understood that the internet is not only used as a medium of entertainment but can also be used for productive things. Here are some ways to make money from the internet, namely:
How to make money through YouTube In recent years, being a content creator on YouTube is used by Indonesian people to make money from the internet. This way of making money from the internet does look easy because you only need to make video content as interesting as possible. Being able to monetize YouTube videos is not easy. Also read: For Beginners, Here’s How to Get Money from YouTube YouTubers who are currently on the rise, it took years and consistency of uploading videos to be able to gather as many viewers as they are today. Therefore, make sure that the uploaded video always includes keywords in the video title, video description, and video tags that are relevant to the content.
How to make money by selling online Other ways to make money from the internet, are by selling online on e-commerce, social media, to messaging applications. Several applications can be used as online selling platforms, such as Shopee, Tokopedia, Bukalapak, Facebook Marketplace, to WhatsApp Business. By utilizing this platform, one can sell without meeting the buyer face to face, which saves the cost of renting a shop.
How to make money by becoming a dropshipper or reseller One can use this method of making money from the internet if they do not have a product that can be sold. The reason is, that by becoming a dropshipper or reseller, one only needs to sell a product to a buyer, where the product is taken from the supplier. So someone buys goods from a third party for direct delivery to the customer. Some e-commerce platforms even provide dropship features in their applications.
How to make money by becoming an affiliate marketer There are many ways to make money from the internet by online business people abroad and at home. Affiliate marketers are people who market other people’s products to get a commission from each product that is successfully sold. The amount of commission you get depends on the rules of the product owner. The goods that can be sold by affiliate marketers are very diverse, both physical and digital. Affiliate marketers are different from drop shippers and resellers because affiliate marketers are tasked with attracting consumers to buy products through a special link that contains the identity of the affiliate marketer. From the total product purchases using the link, the affiliate marketer’s commission is earned.
How to make money by becoming an influencer This way of making money from the internet is quite booming in recent years along with the increase in social media users. Influencers are people who can influence other people’s decisions to buy certain products by convincing consumers through their testimonials regarding the product. However, becoming an influencer is not easy because one must have hundreds of thousands to millions of followers on social media. The reason is, that the more followers who have the potential to see the review, the more expensive marketing costs will be received.
Thus, five ways to make money from the internet can be used as a reference for starting a business. If the way to make money from the internet above is not satisfactory, many articles discuss this topic on the internet.
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