Mount Denali

El mountain denarius It has been known as Mount McKinley for years, but its official name, recognized by the American government, is Denali, which was given to the people of the ancient Athabasca region. It is undoubtedly the highest peak in North America and the only mountain in the continent with an elevation of over 6,000 feet. It is also the third most famous mountain and the third most isolated mountain after Aconcagua and Everest. One day in 1794, sailor George Vancouver first saw it from Cook’s Bay, but it was not until 1901 that he attempted to sail it.

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Mount Denali, its features, and its significance.

key features

The denarius or McKinley is part of the Alaska ranks, part of the Pacific Hot Ring. It is mainly located near the center of the National Park and Park, along with south-central Alaska and along the Denali Fault. It consists of a large area of tall granite and has two large peaks that are always covered with snow:

Northern Peak. It is sometimes considered to be one peak.

South Peak. He is the tallest of both of them

The entire upper part of the mountain is covered with a layer of snow and several major glaciers. Snow feeds 5 ice slopes: Muldrow Glacier, Ruth Glacier, Kahiltna Glacier, Peters Glacier, and Traleika Glacier.

The mountain is over 6,190 meters above sea level. Although temperatures on the slopes allow most species to thrive, temperatures at the summit are high. In winter they can reach -70,5 ºC. The wind can be strong; Gusts of up to 241 km / h were recorded during the storm.

Formation of Mount Denali

60-65 million years ago. During the period of high geological activity known to the constant movement of Earth’s tectonic plates, Mount Denali began to form. The mountains, in turn, are the result of the eruption of the earth’s crust – the fault of the Denali. As the plates moved, the Pacific plate became so close to the North American plate that it sank due to differences in pressure, temperature, and other factors.

In other words, Mount Denali is the result of a Pacific plate beneath a plate of North America, and during the subduction process, the surface of Alaska began to bend and bend, forming the many elevations that formed the Alaska mountains.

 Over millions of years, the mountain has risen because of pressure between the tectonic plates, but its surface has also eroded. The mountain keeps on developing at a pace of around 1 mm each year.

Flora and the animals of Mount Denali

Mount Denali is home to at least 650 species of flowering plants and a variety of ferns, fungi, algae, and lichens. Although coniferous forests, tundra, glaciers, and even floodplains can be seen on slopes and valleys, low temperatures and elevations prevent anything but tree trees and low vegetation from growing in the highlands. The park has white spruce forests (Picea glauca) and birch (Betula papyrifera) and has an underground climate.

Untamed life in the space incorporates around 167 types of birds, 10 types of fish, 39 types of warm-blooded creatures, and 1 land and water proficient. Some of the park’s inhabitants are the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris), black bear (Ursus americanus), brown bear (Ursus arctos), coyotes (Canis latrans), wolverines (Gulo gulo), marmots ( Marmota monax). ), muskrat (Ondatra mabethicus), grey jay, and capercaillie (Lagopus Lagopus).


The view of Mount McKinley from the town of Talkeetna is very impressive for its full size and nearby presence. It is one of only 6,000 places in the world above 43º north of the equator, with the remaining between latitudes 43º north and 32º south.

The ideal time to deal with the challenge of planting McKinley Massif is limited to a short period between the beginning of May and the end of June, as it is during this time that the weather is better and the cold is much lower due to high temperatures. and usually large snowfall in summer.

According to some barometric measurements, the atmospheric pressure on Mount McKinley is about 7,000 times. Its proximity to the Arctic Circle and its elevation make it one of the coldest mountains on Earth. The Details peaks are about 2,000 meters (more prominent) than the rotating peaks, so hurricanes and snowstorms can be extremely severe in inclement weather.

Some history

Although the natives were ready to recognize it, they called it Denali, but by the end of the XNUMX century, the first whites to see the great mountain were the discoverers of the gold rush. Astonished by its magnificent appearance, they soon planned a trip to the summit.

After two unsuccessful attempts to reach the summit, Drs. Frederick A. Cook decided to make the final attempt in August 1906, accompanied only by a local assistant.

When he returned, he made sure to reach the top, so he was greatly appreciated by the climbers. After the publication of the book Reaching the Top of the Continent, which covers the subject, including photographs of the alleged peak, several investigators who accompanied him in his first attempt claimed to know exactly where the images were shot. 

In 1912, Brown and Parker, with the help of a third person, Merle LeVoy, organized a caravan against the Doctor to try again. After climbing a mountain in bad weather, they decided to return to the base camp as they approached the summit. Among the many tragedies they encountered along the way, it should be noted that as soon as they descended from the mountain they felt one of the largest known earthquakes, the one accompanied by the eruption of Mount Katmai. All the great ice peaks were forced to climb, reduced to pieces of ice scattered in the snow.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about Mount Denali and its features.

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